Cristina has led Key2people since 2015, having been involved in the foundation of the Company and contributing her wealth of experience gained from two important companies, Olivetti and Omnitel-Vodafone. A Law graduate, the Olivetti ""school"" offered her valuable insights into an integrated conception of Human Resources, both in terms of Business orientation and the Employee Value Proposition that anticipated the times in a visionary and enlightened way. During her time at Olivetti, she has seen the accelerated development and strategic rethinking of the company's positioning, with experience in Human Resources Management in Group companies as well as managerial responsibilities at the Headquarters directing HR policies worldwide. When Olivetti entered the Telecommunications Market, giving birth to Omnitel, Cristina became part of the small group that would manage the start-up. She is the fourth member of the group taking on this exciting industrial adventure, which will be an example of managerial culture in Italy and will mark the beginning of the liberalisation of the mobile telecommunications segment. Cristina has taken on more and more responsibility, up to the Direction of the Organisational Development of the Company, contributing to the design of a distinctive and inspirational Leadership Model and Organisational Culture for all highly competitive industrial segments, characterised by a structured access to the talent market, by the centrality of frontier know-how and innovation, and a model of management and development of resources, which today would be called ""sustainable"". Concepts such as R&D, design-thinking, agile organisation and smart working were already inherent to this way of doing business and to the cultural profile of her management. It is also a testament to the Olivetti-Omnitel corporate culture that she has been able to advance her career with them, whilst raising three children and demonstrating a strong work-life balance, with the highest levels of participation and passion. You can't spend thirteen years in Olivetti and Omnitel without making an impressive impact and a strong entrepreneurial stimulus. In 2001, when the company had 8,000 employees, she left the group and decided to take a new entrepreneurial path in the Human Capital Consulting sector. Cristina participated in the foundation of K2P and, in 2005, she was entrusted with creating and leading the office in Rome, for which she will be responsible until 2015, building from scratch a business of great size and significance, penetrating all the relevant markets, from large subsidiaries to the banking system, and developing institutional relations. In 2015, during the generational transition at the top, she was entrusted with the leadership of the Company, thanks to her thirteen-year track-record and her managerial skills, well-attuned to the evolving corporate culture in the Business Community. In these six years of management, the Company has doubled in size, increased its margins, assumed a First Tier position in the Executive Search, increased the prestige of the Brand with Socio-Economic and Institutional Stakeholders and widely diversified the Offer Model, positioning itself as the first Italian Capital Company in its business segment.

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