FESA Group

Rua Bispo Dom José, 2095
Curitiba, Parana, 80440-080

+55 41 3525 1360



Lucas is Head & Partner of Fesa Group. He represents the following brands: FESA Executive Search, FESA ASAP and FESA Advisory, being responsible for the offices in Minas Gerais, Midwest and North. Through the Group association with IIC Partners, he conducts projects in over 60 business centers worldwide.


He has more than 15 years of executive experience, participated in the start up of companies andoperations, has high performance team management and conduction of projects for the Public andPrivate sector, covering Communication, Marketing, Research and Human Resources.


He joined Fesa Group in 2010, where he participated in the process of opening and structuring offices in Brazil, led the opening of operations in Minas Gerais and the Midwest, added operations in theNortheast and later participated in the integration of the North region. Lucas acts as a specialist in Mining & Steel, “Family Business” and the Services chain, being directly involved in conducting theExecutive Search, Assessment processes.


Graduated in Social Communication at the Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte (Uni-BH), with anMBA in Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), he carried out the Program for theDevelopment of Directors by Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), and is Business and Executive Coach byInstituto Brazilian Coaching (IBC). Has advanced English, attended the International House in London.

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