Maurizia Iachino Leto di Priolo, Senior Advisor of Key2people, works on Corporate Governance projects within the Board Services Offer. Founder and President of the Associazione Fuori Quota, born within Key2people, a network of Female Directors and Executives of listed companies. Maurizia has contributed to the development of Corporate Governance in Italy, accompanying multinational and family-owned companies in the design of corporate governance systems, in the composition of Boards and in supporting the various BoD Committees. In 2020, she participated as a member of the Colao Committee for the Relaunch of Italy. Her career involves positions in Athena Consulenza, Spencer Stuart Italia, Governance Consulting, until 2007, when she joins Key2people to develop the Corporate Governance Practice. From 2001 to 2008, she was President of Save the Children Italy and from 2012 to 2018 she was President of OXFAM Italy. Today, she is Senior Advisor of Family Enterprises, Member of the Family Advisory Board of De Agostini Group, Member of the Scientific Committee of Aidaf, Regent Advisor of the Bank of Italy, as well as Independent Advisor in listed Companies and Foundations.

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