Aleksanterinkatu 15 B, 3rd Floor
Helsinki, 00100


Who We Are

Established in 1979, JFP is one of the leading and most respected executive search companies in Finland. We combine our in-depth knowledge of the business sector with thorough preparation and decades of experience. The outcome is significant success for all parties involved.

Our senior consultants are distinguished experts with extensive business and management experience. All have attained impressive track-records from challenging managerial positions as well as a comprehensive understanding of the special needs and skill sets required within their own sectors, before dedicating themselves to the service of JFP clients.

How We Work

A rigo­rous, high-quality prepa­ra­tion process is the cornerstone of our opera­tions.  JFP is valued for its profes­sional skills, confi­den­tia­lity and the ability to treat every client and candi­date with due respect and dedica­tion. Above all, JFP Execu­tive Search is known for its excep­tional results.

Our executive search process has been developed to help us find suitable profes­sio­nals for deman­ding posi­tions, while taking the various requi­re­ments of the respon­si­bi­li­ties and the compa­ny’s needs into account.

With our syste­matic process and expe­rienced profes­sio­nals, we make sure that the indi­vi­duals being sought have the optimal expe­rience and exper­tise, as well as the right atti­tude, moti­va­tion, way of working and working methods. The profes­sional selected for the posi­tion will comple­ment the organization’s know-how.

In addition to executive search, we also conduct board of director searches and provide management assessment services.

We are a member of the FEX Finnish Execu­tive Search Firms’ Associa­tion and have pledged to develop and observe its code and opera­ting principles.

JFP Executive Search is one of the longest serving members of IIC Partners.

Request for Consultation

Complete this form to discuss executive search and leadership advisory services with an IIC Partners consultant.
